January 25, 2011

DEAF10 from walter vermeij on Vimeo.

Video made for one of my gradutation projects (june 2010).
Proposal for videoposters for the Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2010 (DEAF10). DEAF is a festival where technological advancements in art are a continuing topic for debate. Because of 3D's recent popularity, I chose to use it as the theme for this edition.
First up are four different posters which each have a quote in favor of 3D and a quote against 3D. The fifth poster contains the festival's program (note that there was no actual 2010 edition of the festival and this is all fictional). Finally a total picture is presented of how the posters might look when projected on a wall at the festival.
The festival's logo is also an animated shape, built up from the letters DEAF.

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